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turn off

2024-05-22 09:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 turn [sth] off, turn off [sth] vtr + adv (switch off, extinguish) (开关等)SCSimplified Chinese 关闭 guān bì   SCSimplified Chinese 关掉 guān bì,guān diào   SCSimplified Chinese 断开 guān bì,duàn kāi TCTraditional Chinese 斷開  Before I go to sleep I turn off the T.V.  睡觉前,我关掉了电视。 turn off [sth] vtr phrasal insep (exit: a road)SCSimplified Chinese 离开 lí kāi TCTraditional Chinese 離開   SCSimplified Chinese 转往另一条路  We turned off the main road and drove into the country.  我们离开了主干道,驶入了乡村。 turn off vi phrasal (exit a road) (一条路)SCSimplified Chinese 驶离,离开 shǐ lí,lí kāi TCTraditional Chinese 離開  Evie's satnav told her to turn off at the next exit.  Evie的卫星导航系统告诉她在下个出口出去。 turn [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (disgust)SCSimplified Chinese 使…反感  Men who smoke really turn me off.  那个吸烟的男人真让人感到恶心。 turn [sb] off [sth/sb] v expr informal (cause to dislike)SCSimplified Chinese 使某人对某物失去兴趣   SCSimplified Chinese 使某人不再喜欢某物  Getting drunk on whisky turned Ben off alcohol completely.  喝威士忌喝醉,让本彻底对酒失去兴趣。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 turnoff, turn-off n (side road off main road)SCSimplified Chinese 岔路 chà lù   SCSimplified Chinese 岔道 chà lù,chà dào  Take the next turnoff to get to the supermarket. turnoff, turn-off n informal ([sth] unappealing, repellent)SCSimplified Chinese 使人扫兴的东西 shǐ rén sǎo xīng de dōng xī  The bar's atmosphere was a bit of a turnoff for me.  这家酒吧的氛围让我有点扫兴。 turnoff, turn-off n informal ([sth] sexually unappealing)SCSimplified Chinese 令人失去性趣的东西   SCSimplified Chinese 让人丧失性欲的特征  Beards are a turnoff for many women.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 在这些条目还发现'turn off': 在英文解释里: black out - cut - cut out - kill - mute - pull off - pull the plug - stop - switch off 中文: 不关 - 使厌烦 - 关 在单词列表中: Television, Washing machine terms, Phrasal verbs with "off", 更多……同义词: switch off, shut off, shut down, power down, power off, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'turn off' 的论坛讨论:

to turn off do not turn the TV off do not turn off the TV - English Only forum Do you turn off the lights when you leave the/a room? - English Only forum Don't forget to turn off the lights and look the door. - English Only forum Get / turn off / on the highway - English Only forum go/turn off - English Only forum Have you turned the gas off vs. Did you turn the gas off - English Only forum How it turned off? vs How did it turn off? - English Only forum How do turn this thing off? - English Only forum I remembered turning/ to turn it off - English Only forum I shall turn off the air-con. (strange?!) - English Only forum I will turn it off now - English Only forum idle free zone ,turn engine off - English Only forum If you are not watching it, turn the TV off. - English Only forum If you would turn / turned off - English Only forum Interstate, Turn Off and Drive - English Only forum It was careless of me forgetting to turn off the lights. - English Only forum it will turn itself off / on its own - English Only forum it’s a relationship without any real responsibility which you can turn off at any moment. - English Only forum last one out of the sacred ginmill please turn off the lights - English Only forum More a turn off - English Only forum motorway turn-off - English Only forum my turn is still far-off - English Only forum Open/ close or turn on /off tap - English Only forum Please do not turn off - English Only forum pull off/turn off the road - English Only forum Put him off/Turn him off - English Only forum Put off (turn off) - English Only forum Response to "Did you turn off the lights?" - English Only forum Road turn off - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'turn off'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "turn off" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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